
Recovery Plan Direction

The Minister of Earthquake Recovery has directed the Waimakariri District Council to develop a draft Waimakariri Residential Red Zone Recovery Plan.

Draft Waimakariri Residential Red Zone Recovery Plan

The Draft Waimakariri Residential Red Zone Recovery Plan was approved by Council on 26 July 2016. 

The plan was handed over to the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration on 1 August 2016 for consideration. The Minister will publicly notified the plan on 3 August 2016 and sought written comments from 4 August - 1 September 2016. After consideration of comments, the Minister will make a decision and announce this later in 2016.

For any questions about the Draft Recovery Plan, please contact the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC): email or visit

Draft Recovery Plan - supplementary information

Community Engagement

Draft Waimakariri Residential Red Zone Recovery Plan

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, on behalf of the Minister supporting Greater Christchurch Regeneration, sought written comments on the Draft Waimakariri Residential Red Zone Recovery Plan from 4 August 2016 to 1 September 2016. 


Following on from the 'Let's Plan' public consultation from 5 February to 4 March 2016, public hearings were held from 6 to 8 April 2016 in the Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre. The hearing was an opportunity for submitters to speak to their written comment.

Read more about the hearings.

Let's Plan

The Preliminary Draft Waimakariri Residential Red Zone Recovery Plan, 'Let's Plan', was released on 5 February 2016, and we sought comments until 5pm 4 March 2016. Let's Plan sets out options for proposed long term land uses in the five regeneration areas in Kaiapoi, The Pines Beach and Kairaki. More information is available on Let's Plan.

Let's Plan - supplementary information

Let's Discuss

'Let's Discuss' was published on 3 October 2015 and provided information on the future use of the residential red zones in Waimakariri; background information, new information gathered since Canvas, high level broad types of land use that may be potentially suitable and asked for feedback going forward (feedback was sought from 3 October to 30 October 2015).  For this information, please read:


Canvas: your thinking for the red zones was conducted in mid-2014 and asked the public’s initial views on future use in the Waimakariri residential red zone. The Canvas findings were released in December 2014.

The Pines and Kairaki Beaches Association have themselves developed proposals in relation to red zone areas among these communities. You can read their proposals here:

Consultation was undertaken by the Waimakariri District Council in March 2015 particularly with residents and landowners in Kaiapoi East and Kaiapoi South areas adjoining the red zone about potential future roading options to continue access. For this information, please read:

For more information:

Red Zone Land Capability

In late 2014 CERA convened a Technical Assessment Panel of experts to bring together and summarise existing information on the capability of land in the various Waimakariri red zone areas and make a preliminary assessment of possible future uses. Their report was recently finalised. For this information, please read:

Supporting their report is a large number of maps:

Red Zone Infrastructure

The Waimakariri District Council’s infrastructure rebuild programme involves infrastructure works in the red zone to permanently rebuild damaged infrastructure to service adjoining ‘green zone’ properties/areas. Some of these works may serve new uses in the red zone but completion of the programme will depend on decisions regarding future use. New uses may require additional infrastructure.

Extensive information is available on Infrastructure Recovery on the Council’s website including details of proposed sites for Council horizontal infrastructure in Kaiapoi, Pines Beach and Kairaki residential red zone areas prepared for CERA in June 2014. For this information, please read:

Kaiapoi Town Centre

The Waimakariri District Council has been considering how future use of red zone land near to the Kaiapoi town centre could assist recovery and long term development. One way is to assist meeting the town centres’ off-street parking needs. A business case for this was reported to the Kaiapoi Community Board in February 2015. For this information:

More generally as the town centre is on three sides surrounded by red zone land its recovery and long term development may be assisted by red zone future use. The Waimakariri District Council has developed plans for the town centre supported by extensive research. For more information, please read:

Strategies and Plans

National and regional plans relevant to considering red zone future use include:

The Let's Discuss discussion document identifies a large number of relevant Waimakariri District Council strategies and plans:

Other Waimakariri District Council strategies and plans can be found here:

In addition to the Council's confirmed strategies and plans, are developing ones that will impact on red zone future use. The June 2015 report below outlines plans for the riverbanks wharf area adjoining the Kaiapoi East red zone area.

For more information, please read:

Work is also progressing on rehabilitation of the Kaiapoi River adjoining the red zone itself affected by the earthquake. This presentation to the Kaiapoi Community Board in September 2015 summarises current information. For more information:

Plan Implementation

Once the Draft Recovery Plan is approved implementation can begin. Arrangements for how to govern and manage implementation have yet to be considered. To assist thinking about this issue “Moving Regeneration Forward in Waimakariri - A Casebook of Adaptive Reuse” has been prepared which draws together insights for experience from elsewhere in how areas subject to planned retreat such as the red zone areas in the Waimakariri have been implemented - with an emphasis on governance, ownership and tenancy, funding, maintenance and service provision.